Archaean Eon: A volcano erupts out of the water
The beginning of the Archaean Eon
After the end of the Hadean Eon is the beginning of the Archaean Eon. That’s about 3.8 billion years ago. Earth was still about three times as hot as it is today. But it was no longer hot enough to boil water.
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Most of the Earth was covered with oceans. Earth’s atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide with very little oxygen in it. Just a little bit of land was forming as volcanoes began to poke out of the water.
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Granite rock
Most of the rocks were igneous or metamorphic like granite or quartz. But the earliest sedimentary rocks like sandstone also formed during this time. These rocks were mainly in the oceans.
When did life begin on Earth?
About this time – around the beginning of the Archaean Eon, about 3.8 billion years ago – the earliest living cells formed on Earth. These cells all lived in the oceans, which were probably much warmer and more acidic than they are now.
Read more about how life got started

Chloroplasts (seen through a microscope) can photosynthesize food from sunlight, water, and carbon monoxide.
By about 3.5 billion years ago, these early cells had evolved into simple prokaryote cells. For the rest of the Archaean Eon, there were only prokaryote cells on Earth (and the vast majority of cells on Earth are still prokaryotes).
Read more about prokaryote cells

Archaean Eon: Iron that has turned red because of oxygen in the water
Photosynthesis gets started
By three billion years ago, some of these prokaryote cells evolved to be able to make their own food out of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. We call this process photosynthesis.
Read more about photosynthesis
Cells that got their energy by photosynthesis excreted (pooped out) oxygen, and once a lot of cells were photosynthesizing there started to be more and more oxygen on Earth.
But during the Archaean Eon almost none of that oxygen was in the atmosphere – instead, iron and sulfur rocks mixed with early oxygen atoms to make rusty red rocks and limestone.
Millions of one-celled creatures with silicon and oxygen in their cell walls – prokaryotes – died and sank to the bottom of the ocean, where the silicon and oxygen was squashed into chert and flint.
Read more about flint
Asteroids hit the Earth
There were probably many large asteroids that hit the Earth during the Archaean Eon. These asteroids would have killed many small living creatures – prokaryote cells – and may have encouraged others to evolve.
The end of the Archaean Eon
About 2.5 (two and a half) billion years ago, the Archaean Eon ended and the Proterozoic Eon began.
I find it interesting that potential life on Mars which ended roughly during the Hesperian period matches up with the beginning of life on Earths Archaean Eon
Well, remember the sun started and spun off the planets at the same time for all of the planets. They all formed around the same time. So they all cooled down to where they might have been able to support life about the same time too. It’s not a coincidence.
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