Where does chewing gum come from? Central America
Sapodilla tree - where chewing gum comes from Who invented chewing gum? Nobody knows when the first person began to chew gobs of sap from trees, but it was probably [...]
Sapodilla tree - where chewing gum comes from Who invented chewing gum? Nobody knows when the first person began to chew gobs of sap from trees, but it was probably [...]
Woman baking bread Poor people who lived near the Mediterranean Sea had to eat food that would grow in very dry areas, with light and not very fertile soil. Mostly they [...]
A carving of a fast food restaurant in northern Europe Many people in bigger towns in ancient Rome lived in just one room and didn't have kitchens in their apartments. They ate most of their [...]
People eating in Virginia, about 1550 AD (from the British Museum) Native American food In 1500 AD, most of the people living in North America, like the Pueblo, the Cherokee, the Iroquois, and the Mississippians, [...]
Green corn ceremony: Corn, beans, and squash growing together When people started farming... Like other people around the world, when people in North America started to get more of their food [...]
Cooked salmon Salmon and sweet potato fries makes a yummy and very healthy dinner, and it's easy to cook, too. You'll need the following things: a fillet of salmon (salmon [...]
Smoking salmon the Chinook way, on cedar sticks Why didn't Chinook Natives farm their food? People in the Pacific Northwest like the Chinook and the Nez Perce did not farm or keep animals. There [...]
Corn, beans, and squash growing together When people in South America began to farm corn and beans and squash, they worked out a system for growing all three plants in the same field that was [...]
European food history: An early chocolate house Trade brings new foods During the 1500s and 1600s AD, European traders brought back all kinds of new foods from places they sailed to around the world. [...]
Orange tree: medieval Islamic food included new sweet oranges What did medieval people eat? Around the Mediterranean, people continued in the Islamic period to rely on the three main foods from [...]