
8 09, 2017

History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

By |2019-02-22T06:00:17-08:00September 8th, 2017|History, South America, Where|Comments Off on History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

History of Brazil: The Tapuia people, ca. 1650 (by Albert Eckhout) Tupi war with Tapuia In the late 1400s AD, the Tupi people had just won a big war with the Tapuia people. [...]

27 07, 2017

Taika period – Early Medieval Japan

By |2018-04-18T09:53:56-07:00July 27th, 2017|History, Japan, Where|Comments Off on Taika period – Early Medieval Japan

Court attendants (Takamatsuzuka Tomb, ca. 600s AD) Now that Japan had declared independence from China, Empress Suiko and her successors built a new government for Japan. They wanted Japan's government to be just [...]

19 07, 2017

The Mughal Empire – History of India

By |2019-08-07T11:25:08-07:00July 19th, 2017|History, India, Where|Comments Off on The Mughal Empire – History of India

Mughal Empire - Babur, first Mughal ruler Timur's descendants: the Mughal Empire Timur's empire collapsed when he died in 1405 AD. Then the Mongols lost control of India for a while. Local Muslim leaders formed small [...]

31 05, 2017

Genghis Khan and the Mongols – Central Asia

By |2019-07-03T08:36:21-07:00May 31st, 2017|Central Asia, History, Where|Comments Off on Genghis Khan and the Mongols – Central Asia

Genghis Khan Mongol and Turkic people take power By 1200 AD, the Mongol and Turkic people of Central Asia had pretty much finished pushing the Indo-Europeans out of power in [...]

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