Who were the Aztec? Central American history
Aztec brazier (about 1300 AD) Mexica people move to Mexico Beginning in the 1100s AD, the Medieval Warm Period seems to have made it too hard to live where the Mexica were in [...]
Aztec brazier (about 1300 AD) Mexica people move to Mexico Beginning in the 1100s AD, the Medieval Warm Period seems to have made it too hard to live where the Mexica were in [...]
History of Brazil: The Tapuia people, ca. 1650 (by Albert Eckhout) Tupi war with Tapuia In the late 1400s AD, the Tupi people had just won a big war with the Tapuia people. [...]
Typical Cree environment - Great Lakes wetland Where did Cree people come from? The Cree probably started out as part of the Athabascan crew. When other Native people spread out [...]
Court attendants (Takamatsuzuka Tomb, ca. 600s AD) Now that Japan had declared independence from China, Empress Suiko and her successors built a new government for Japan. They wanted Japan's government to be just [...]
Mughal Empire - Babur, first Mughal ruler Timur's descendants: the Mughal Empire Timur's empire collapsed when he died in 1405 AD. Then the Mongols lost control of India for a while. Local Muslim leaders formed small [...]
Genghis Khan Mongol and Turkic people take power By 1200 AD, the Mongol and Turkic people of Central Asia had pretty much finished pushing the Indo-Europeans out of power in [...]
Aksum obelisk Farming and donkeys The earliest people probably evolved from other primates around a million years ago. That may have happened in or near what is now Sudan, south [...]