
26 06, 2017

What are sedimentary rocks? Shale and limestone

By |2018-10-03T09:50:54-07:00June 26th, 2017|Geology, History|Comments Off on What are sedimentary rocks? Shale and limestone

Sedimentary rocks: Limestone cliffs in Saudi Arabia Before sedimentary rocks When the Earth was first forming, about six billion years ago, there weren't any sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. The only [...]

26 06, 2017

What is metamorphic rock? Marble, slate, diamonds

By |2020-04-16T19:13:12-07:00June 26th, 2017|Geology|Comments Off on What is metamorphic rock? Marble, slate, diamonds

What is metamorphic rock? Slate rocks in Cascadilla Gorge, Ithaca, New York Metamorphic rocks form under pressure About 450 million years ago, some of the sedimentary rocks began to transform [...]

26 06, 2017

What is quartz? Igneous rock

By |2018-09-06T07:27:12-07:00June 26th, 2017|Geology|Comments Off on What is quartz? Igneous rock

What is quartz? A chunk of white quartz What is quartz made of? Quartz is an igneous rock made out of molecules of silicon and oxygen atoms held together in [...]

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