A cardboard version of a Spartan shield

Spartan Shield, made by 6th graders at Laurelhurst School, Portland

Greek hoplite soldiers carried shields like this one. The cut out areas made the shield lighter to carry. To make a shield like this one, cut the shape out of a large piece of cardboard and paint it. Then after the paint dries, glue on metal jar lids and wooden sticks to make the pattern.


* Olympic games
* Play reading
* Vase-painting

Bibliography and ideas for Ancient Greek projects:

Hands-On Ancient People, Volume 2 : Art Activities about Minoans, Mycenaeans, Trojans, Ancient Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans (2004) For kids ages 9-12.

Ancient Greece!: 40 Hands-On Activities to Experience This Wondrous Age (Kaleidoscope Kids), by Avery Hart, Paul Mantell, and Michael P. Kline (1999). Gives ideas to get kids thinking, rather than step-by-step instructions.

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