A bowl of succotash: corn and beans mixed together

A bowl of succotash

You may like pemmican better, but most Native American people ate more succotash:

    • Husk and boil three ears of corn (or use frozen corn).
    • Boil 1/2 cup of any kind of beans (lima beans are the most commonly used, but you could use string beans, or white beans. Or you could use black beans, or kidney beans, or any other kind of bean). You’ll need to boil the beans for about 45 minutes to get them soft (or use canned beans).
  • Fry six slices of bacon (chopped) in a frying pan with some diced onion.
  • Cut the corn off the cob.
  • Add the corn and the drained beans to the bacon and onions.
  • Simmer for five minutes until it is all hot and mixed together.
  • Add salt, pepper, cilantro to taste.

A day in early North America:
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Building a Wickiup Shelter
Making succotash
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