
8 09, 2017

Who are the Arawak? – South American history

By |2019-01-30T10:01:58-08:00September 8th, 2017|History, South America|Comments Off on Who are the Arawak? – South American history

Arawak history: Arawak family in Trinidad, ca. 1500 AD The Arawak arrive in Venezuela The Arawak probably first arrived in South America with the second wave of people, around 15,000 BC. They [...]

8 09, 2017

History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

By |2019-02-22T06:00:17-08:00September 8th, 2017|History, South America, Where|Comments Off on History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

History of Brazil: The Tapuia people, ca. 1650 (by Albert Eckhout) Tupi war with Tapuia In the late 1400s AD, the Tupi people had just won a big war with the Tapuia people. [...]

14 08, 2017

Thomas Paine – American Philosophy

By |2017-08-14T13:00:34-07:00August 14th, 2017|North America, Philosophy|Comments Off on Thomas Paine – American Philosophy

Thomas Paine (by Matthew Pratt, about 1790) In the late 1700s AD, around the same time that Voltaire, du Chatelet, and Rousseau were writing philosophy in France, and Hume was writing in England, Thomas Paine was [...]

14 08, 2017

African-American slavery – American history

By |2019-02-04T10:42:52-08:00August 14th, 2017|Africa, North America, People|Comments Off on African-American slavery – American history

The Middle Passage: Slave fort in Ghana Millions of people enslaved Although other people, both white and Native American, have been held as slaves in North America, the experience of the African people [...]

13 08, 2017

The Crow get horses – American history

By |2019-04-29T16:30:04-07:00August 13th, 2017|History, Native American|Comments Off on The Crow get horses – American history

Crow men: later Crow history Crow people get smallpox and measles In the 1600s AD, Crow people were still living in the Dakotas. But they caught smallpox and measles from their neighbors, the Mandan, and many Crow [...]

10 08, 2017

History of tobacco – Tobacco as medicine and money

By |2018-05-30T19:19:04-07:00August 10th, 2017|Economy, North America|Comments Off on History of tobacco – Tobacco as medicine and money

History of tobacco: Tobacco plants growing Early history of tobacco Tobacco is an American plant. Like other flowering plants, it probably evolved during the Triassic era, about 250 million years [...]

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