What is quartz? Igneous rock
What is quartz? A chunk of white quartz What is quartz made of? Quartz is an igneous rock made out of molecules of silicon and oxygen atoms held together in [...]
What is quartz? A chunk of white quartz What is quartz made of? Quartz is an igneous rock made out of molecules of silicon and oxygen atoms held together in [...]
Need chalk? Buy chalk Chalk has calcium in it Take a piece of regular white chalk, like for writing on a blackboard. Make sure the chalk is calcium carbonate like [...]
Chalk cliff (made of calcium atoms) in Cottonwood Canyon, Pueblo, Colorado What is calcium? When a star is on the way to converting all of its carbon and oxygen atoms into [...]
What is marble? A Cycladic figurine from Ancient Greece in marble, once realistically painted. What is marble made out of? Marble is metamorphic limestone . That is, marble is a metamorphic rock [...]
A block of limestone Starting with seashells Limestone is a kind of sedimentary stone that is very common all over the world. This kind of stone forms out of the shells of [...]
Parthenon frieze (Athens, Greece, 440s BC): What is a frieze? Definition of a frieze A frieze (pronounced FREEZE) is a long narrow band of sculpture that runs along the architrave [...]
A block of tufa from Caere with an Etruscan inscription on it. Tufa (some people call it "tuff") is a kind of limestone that is very common in Italy. Tufa [...]
Is travertine marble? No. The travertine is the white stone in between the bricks (This is from the Colosseum in Rome) Is travertine marble? Travertine is a kind of sedimentary [...]
A bit of plaster left on the wall of a Punic house from Carthage People used plaster to cover the bare stone or mudbrick on the walls of houses, both [...]