Who were the Trojans? – West Asian history
A reconstruction of what Troy VI might have looked like. For thousands of years, people read Homer's Iliad and learned the story of the Trojan War. But nobody knew if it had really happened, [...]
A reconstruction of what Troy VI might have looked like. For thousands of years, people read Homer's Iliad and learned the story of the Trojan War. But nobody knew if it had really happened, [...]
Roman high school: A fragment of Homer's Iliad on papyrus Who went to high school? Only the richest and smartest Roman boys went on from elementary school to high school. Most [...]
The inside of Nero's Golden House: it's very dark! Why was Nero building a new palace? After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero took advantage of the space [...]
Anna Comnena, author of the Alexiad Who was Anna Comnena? Anna Comnena was born a princess in 1083 AD. She was the oldest child of the Byzantine emperor Alexios. She was named [...]
Earliest picture of the Trojan Horse story, on a Greek vase ca. 670 BC The end of the Trojan War After the events of the Iliad and the death of Hector, the [...]
Odysseus and his men put out the eye of the Cyclops, Polyphemos (ca. 660 BC) Homer wrote the Odyssey The Greek poet Homer wrote down the Odyssey around 700 BC, [...]
Homer's Iliad: Achilles, on a Greek black-figure vase from around 530 BC What is the story of the Iliad? "Sing, Goddess, of the anger of Achilles..." The story of Homer's [...]
Cup by Sophilos, showing a race from the Iliad by Homer (as the inscription says - Athens, ca. 570 BC) Why is Homer important? To the classical Greeks, Homer's epics [...]