Maya writing – Ancient Central America
Maya writing on a page from the Madrid Codex Did the Maya invent writing themselves? It's possible that the Maya learned how to write from the Olmec, but there aren't any [...]
Maya writing on a page from the Madrid Codex Did the Maya invent writing themselves? It's possible that the Maya learned how to write from the Olmec, but there aren't any [...]
A bolt of lightning in the sky, like the one that split open Maize Mountain Where did this story come from? Maya people liked to tell a story about how people [...]
An Aztec book, or codex (ca 1500 AD) Aztec writing and the Maya The Aztec system of writing was very much like the Maya system. Probably the Aztec people learned how to write [...]
Forum of Pompeii Pliny the Younger was the nephew of Pliny the Elder. He was a teenager visiting his uncle near Pompeii when his uncle died in the eruption. Pliny the Younger, however, did [...]
The death of Dido, Queen of Carthage, from an illustrated copy of Virgil's Aeneid, about 400 AD Who was Virgil? Virgil was a poet who lived during the civil wars in Rome [...]
A page from a manuscript of Terence, written about 825 AD (now in the Vatican) Terence was born about 185 BC, soon after the end of the Second Punic War. His whole [...]
The tombstone of Tacitus Tacitus' work is as well known for his skill in writing history as it is for the value of the facts he presents. His beautiful and [...]
Not really Sulpicia: A woman from Roman Egypt, holding a notebook and a pen Who was Sulpicia? Sulpicia is one of very few Roman women whose poetry managed to last through the [...]
A manuscript of Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars, copied out in Austria in the 1470s Suetonius lived just a little later than Seneca, during the reign of the Flavian emperors and then [...]
Seneca, the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca was one of the great writers of the Julio-Claudianperiod in Rome. He was born in the Roman province of Spain about 3 BC. But his [...]