Oil – American science
A homemade oil lamp Oil is a kind of liquid made out of hydrocarbon molecules. It is mostly fat. Lots of plants and animals make oil. In North America, people got most of their oil from salmon, bison, and sunflowers. [...]
A homemade oil lamp Oil is a kind of liquid made out of hydrocarbon molecules. It is mostly fat. Lots of plants and animals make oil. In North America, people got most of their oil from salmon, bison, and sunflowers. [...]
A Valentine from Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife in 1415 AD The Roman Lupercalia The earliest holiday that might conceivably have something to do with Valentine's Day is [...]
History of Thanksgiving: A map of Wampanoag village at Plymouth Bay in 1613 AD, just *before* the Puritans arrived. See the growing corn around each house? Green Corn Ceremony Beginning [...]
A Quaker wedding (1800s in England) In 1648 AD, some people in England felt unhappy with the way Puritan Christians were praying to God. So they started to do things their own way. [...]
A Puritan family about 1563 About 1563 AD, some people in England decided that they wanted to follow a way of life that they thought would be more according to what the Christian God wanted. [...]
Brigham Young in the 1840s And after they killed Joseph Smith? After a mob killed Joseph Smith, the Mormons chose a new leader, Brigham Young (BRIG-am yung) and wisely left Illinois. The [...]
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons In 1820 AD, Joseph Smith was fourteen years old. The teenager lived in a small town in New York State. He was upset when [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
Boston in the time of Anne Hutchinson Anne Hutchinson's backstory Anne Hutchinson was born in 1603, the same year that Queen Elizabeth died. Her father was a Puritan minister in England. Like Margaret Cavendish about [...]
History of Halloween: Pumpkins growing When did Halloween get started? Halloween is a pretty new holiday - American children didn't start trick-or-treating on Halloween until about eighty years ago. Halloween [...]