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Sunlight seen from inside a cave

Sunlight seen from inside a cave like the one in this Pueblo creation myth

Where did Pueblo people come from?

Long ago, Pueblo people lived far away up north. At first they lived underground, in a holy place called Sipapu. Then people climbed up through a hole in the earth into the sunlight (compare this to the Navajo creation story).

Navajo creation story
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They were wandering

God guided them for many years as they wandered (compare the Jewish story of Moses). People suffered many bad things like tornadoes and drought (not enough water) and bad magicians, before they got to a good land where they could settle down.

The story of Moses

Mesa Verde, Colorado

Mesa Verde, Colorado

They settled down

When they finally found the good land, God taught them how to farm their land. He taught them to grow corn. (compare the Greek story of Demeter). And He taught them how to build their pueblo houses.

The story of Demeter

Where did their gods come from?

Then God gave people his twin sons (again like the Navajo story, or like the Zoroastrian story, or maybe like the Christian story of Jesus) to watch over them and help them in wars.

Who was Jesus?
What’s Zoroastrianism?

(This is only one version of this story, and there are many others.)

More Native American creation stories

Bibliography and further reading about the Pueblo creation myth:

Inuit creation myth
More Native American creation myths
Native American religion
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