What’s the Enuma Elish? West Asian religion
Clay tablets with cuneiform writing of the Enuma Elish Story of Creation By about the time of Hammurabi, about 1700 BC, people in the Babylonian Empire were beginning to write down this story about [...]
Clay tablets with cuneiform writing of the Enuma Elish Story of Creation By about the time of Hammurabi, about 1700 BC, people in the Babylonian Empire were beginning to write down this story about [...]
For the Maya gods, a Maya pyramid at Tonina (ca. 700 AD) A Maya creation story Maya people believed that the world was created by One Deer. One Deer created [...]
God creates the Sun and the Moon, in a medieval European painting God creates order from Chaos Many of the Jewish people in West Asia believed that at the beginning of time [...]
Sunlight seen from inside a cave like the one in this Pueblo creation myth Where did Pueblo people come from? Long ago, Pueblo people lived far away up north. At [...]
Lake Isabelle, Colorado People didn't always live here, where they live now. First they walked through four different worlds. These other worlds were inside the earth. It was dark there. [...]
Inuit creation story: An Inuit carving of a bird Sedna is born First there were giants. The giants lived on the land and ate plants that they gathered. One day, when [...]
Navajo dancers There were many different groups of people living in North America. They spoke different languages. They had different kinds of houses and clothes. But they still all had some religious ideas in common. For [...]
Native American creation myths - A cross-legged man from Spiro Mound (modern Oklahoma), 900-1450 AD Where did Native people come from? Each group of people in North America had their own [...]
Chinook Thunderbird totem pole How were the first Chinook born? In the beginning, the first men came down from the sky. They were Thunderbird's children. Thunderbird laid eggs on Saddle [...]
The Atlantic ocean Long ago, the earth was just a big island, floating in a bigger ocean. The earth was hanging from four cords coming down from the sky, which was made of [...]