Roman basilicas – Architecture in ancient Rome
Basilica Aemilia, Rome What is a basilica? Sometimes the Romans had things they wanted to do in groups, but inside, out of the weather. Then they met in a basilica [...]
Basilica Aemilia, Rome What is a basilica? Sometimes the Romans had things they wanted to do in groups, but inside, out of the weather. Then they met in a basilica [...]
The murder of Thomas a Becket in the 1100s AD The new, big, monotheistic religions of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam developed between 500 BC and 600 AD. They brought with them some new ideas, and [...]
Franklin Roosevelt The United States government got even more power during the 1900s. In 1913, the United States government got the right to collect income tax. With this new tax, the [...]
Joseph Rainey, first black congressman in American government African-Americans in Congress After the Civil War, in 1865, the United States changed its Constitution to make slavery illegal. For a few years, black [...]
Equal rights for women? Abigail Adams During and after the American Revolution, the rich white men were writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Declaration of Independence Constitution Bill of [...]
The United States Bill of Rights How do you change the Constitution? Over the years since the Bill of Rights in 1791, Americans have not changed their Constitution very much. It's pretty hard to [...]
The United States Constitution Why did people need a Constitution? The American Revolutionary War got the United States started as a new country in 1781 AD. Soon the leaders of the United States [...]
A Mandan village in 1832 In the Paleo-Indian period, everyone in North America lived in small bands, usually just your family and maybe one or two other families - not more than ten [...]
Beginning of the Bill of Rights How much power did British rulers have? Ever since King John agreed to the Magna Carta in England in 1215 AD, people in England had agreed that the king [...]
The Magna Carta Why did they want the Magna Carta? Since the time of Edward the Confessor in the 1000s AD, the kings of England had been getting more and more powerful. That [...]