
6 09, 2017

Ancient diseases and doctors – History of medicine

By |2019-05-13T10:53:35-07:00September 6th, 2017|Egypt, Science|Comments Off on Ancient diseases and doctors – History of medicine

Greek doctor letting blood out of a patient because he believes in the four humors: history of medicine How did ancient doctors treat diseases? Ancient doctors tried to cure everyone who [...]

31 08, 2017

Roman restaurants – going out to eat in ancient Rome

By |2018-05-21T17:00:47-07:00August 31st, 2017|Economy, Food, Romans|Comments Off on Roman restaurants – going out to eat in ancient Rome

A carving of a fast food restaurant in northern Europe Many people in bigger towns in ancient Rome lived in just one room and didn't have kitchens in their apartments. They ate most of their [...]

21 08, 2017

What is Christian communion? History of religion

By |2019-04-21T08:03:09-07:00August 21st, 2017|Religion, Romans|Comments Off on What is Christian communion? History of religion

Maybe our earliest image of the Last Supper - from the Catacombs of Domitilla, 100s AD The Last Supper At the Last Supper, Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine. What's the Last Supper? [...]

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