Who is Dionysos? Ancient Greek gods
The god Dionysos is the god of wine and grapes What is Dionysos the god of? For the Greeks, Dionysos was a fertility god like Demeter. But while Demeter was [...]
The god Dionysos is the god of wine and grapes What is Dionysos the god of? For the Greeks, Dionysos was a fertility god like Demeter. But while Demeter was [...]
Greek wine drinkers playing the kottabos game (Tomb of the Diver, Paestum, ca. 470 BC) Wine as food and medicine Greek people grew wine both to drink themselves and to [...]
Ancient Greek food - Platter with fish (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Sacrifice and Greek food Food, for people in Ancient Greece, was what separated people from animals, and from the [...]
Hellenistic economy: a sculpture of a woman selling vegetables at the market Mercenary soldiers After the Peloponnesian War was over in 404 BC, everyone in Greece was poorer than before, [...]
Silver coins from ancient Thebes Why are Thebes's coins different? Each Greek city-state minted their own kind of coin, just like countries mint their own coins today. Coins help to [...]
Classical Greek economy: Sailors rowing trading ships (Athens ca. 550 BC) Greek mercenary soldiers The trends of the Archaic period in Greece continued into the Classical period, about 500-400 BC, [...]
Archaic Greek economy: A black-figure vase showing a blacksmith at work (Athens, about 550 BC) Not much trade in the Dark Ages During the political collapse of the Greek Dark [...]
Greek pottery: A vase from Neolithic Sesklo, in Greece (5000 BC) Very few Greek painted pictures have survived the 2500 years since they were painted. So most of what we [...]
Earliest science in Europe A Neanderthal stone awl - early European inventions For a long time, northern Europe was a scientific backwater: new ideas came from other places to northern [...]
Abrigo del Ciervo, Spain, ca. 6000 BC: Early European economy Hunting and gathering The first people in Europe lived by hunting and gathering; they probably had both dogs and bows [...]