Who are the Mapuche? South American history
Changos whale hunt, El Madano, ca. 1000 AD (before the Mapuche) When did people first reach Chile? There were probably people living in Chile (a narrow strip of land in [...]
Changos whale hunt, El Madano, ca. 1000 AD (before the Mapuche) When did people first reach Chile? There were probably people living in Chile (a narrow strip of land in [...]
Venus of Santarem (Brazil, ca. 1400-1000 BC) When did people get to Brazil? The first people probably arrived on the Atlantic coast of South America about 15,000 BC. Probably a second wave [...]
Inuit life: a carving of a person What did the Inuit eat? Inuit (INN-oo-it) people lived mainly by hunting seal and walrus and by fishing, and by gathering wild berries and roots like parsnips. They [...]
Japanese sushi Food in Stone Age Japan The very earliest people who lived in Japan, starting about 40,000 years ago, lived mainly on fish caught from the sea, though they sometimes hunted local deer or [...]
Two and a half billion years ago, the Archaean Eon ended and the Proterozoic Eon began. Trillions of prokaryote cells lived in Earth's oceans. Some of these cells could photosynthesize their energy [...]
Seaweed in the ocean For the first two billion years of life on Earth, there were only one-celled creatures. But after early eukaryote cells started to reproduce by meiosis in addition to [...]
A beach in Tunisia, in North Africa To find out more about seaweed, take a trip to the coast and go wading in the water. There is seaweed on pretty [...]