
14 08, 2017

American people – family, education, slavery

By |2018-04-24T11:03:47-07:00August 14th, 2017|Native American, North America, People|Comments Off on American people – family, education, slavery

A Pueblo family with a donkey in 1885 (Detroit Publishing Company) Since 1500 AD North American people's relationships to one another have seen big changes. In the 1500s, most kids lived in [...]

11 08, 2017

Equal rights for some – American government

By |2020-04-15T11:17:04-07:00August 11th, 2017|Government, North America|Comments Off on Equal rights for some – American government

Equal rights for women? Abigail Adams During and after the American Revolution, the rich white men were writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Declaration of Independence Constitution Bill of [...]

14 07, 2017

Herakles and Busiris – Labors of Herakles

By |2019-02-25T06:36:00-08:00July 14th, 2017|Greeks, Literature|Comments Off on Herakles and Busiris – Labors of Herakles

Hercules kills the Egyptians (Athens, 400s BC) Another Herakles story In this story, Herakles traveled to Egypt, where he met the king of Egypt, the Pharaoh Busiris. Who is Herakles? New Kingdom Egypt More [...]

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