Roman games: What games did Roman people play?
Roman dice were involved in many Roman games Neither cards nor chess... Roman people played most of the different kinds of games that people play today. There are two important [...]
Roman dice were involved in many Roman games Neither cards nor chess... Roman people played most of the different kinds of games that people play today. There are two important [...]
Medieval games: Women playing chess Early medieval games: Dice, checkers, chess The games of medieval Europe were mainly the same as those of Egypt, Greece, and Rome: dice, knucklebones, marbles, checkers. But there were some new games, too. [...]
Indian games: A die found in excavations at a Harappan period site. Note that the six is not opposite the one. The first games in India People brought the idea [...]
Ancient Greek people: boys playingknucklebones (ca. 440-430 BC, now in the Getty Museum, Los Angeles) Like other Indo-European people, the Greeks had a general tendency to divide the world into [...]
Greek games: Discobolos (the Discus Thrower) (This is a Roman copy; the Greek one didn't last) Athletic competitions The Greeks took games of all kinds very seriously, but especially physical [...]
Gambling games: Greek girls playing knucklebones (ca. 200 BC, now in British Museum) People loved to gamble Gambling games were very popular all over the world from as early as [...]
Early dice from ancient Egypt: History of dice How old are dice? People have been playing dice games for a very long time. The very first dice were just sheep [...]
Ancient Egyptian games: knucklebones Egyptian board games: senet and mancala Ancient Egyptian games were a lot like some games people still play today. Some Egyptian games were traditional African games. [...]
Girls playing jacks with knucklebones Playing jacks To get a better idea what it was like to be a kid in Central Asia, try playing some of the games that [...]
Kids playing knucklebones (Burma) Central Asian people played a lot of active games, but they also played games sitting down. Because Central Asian people spent a lot of time herding cattle and [...]