
28 09, 2017

Early Cheyenne history – Native Americans

By |2019-08-22T23:49:48-07:00September 28th, 2017|North America|Comments Off on Early Cheyenne history – Native Americans

Cheyenne history: For a long time, Cheyenne people lived in Minnesota, along rivers like this one. Algonquin and Cheyenne Cheyenne people are related to the Algonquin people. From the Paleo-Indian period onward Cheyenne people [...]

14 08, 2017

Puritans – American religion

By |2017-08-14T15:33:52-07:00August 14th, 2017|Modern Europe, North America, Religion|Comments Off on Puritans – American religion

A Puritan family about 1563 About 1563 AD, some people in England decided that they wanted to follow a way of life that they thought would be more according to what the Christian God wanted. [...]

14 08, 2017

Anne Hutchinson – A Puritan leader

By |2019-01-27T19:13:57-08:00August 14th, 2017|North America, Religion|Comments Off on Anne Hutchinson – A Puritan leader

Boston in the time of Anne Hutchinson Anne Hutchinson's backstory Anne Hutchinson was born in 1603, the same year that Queen Elizabeth died. Her father was a Puritan minister in England. Like Margaret Cavendish about [...]

13 08, 2017

United States Independence – American history

By |2018-04-19T11:29:06-07:00August 13th, 2017|History, Native American, North America|Comments Off on United States Independence – American history

Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In the 1700s AD, most of North America was still under the control of native people. Because Pueblo people and the Navajo had taken Spanish invaders' horses and traded them [...]

10 08, 2017

American clothing – 1600s AD

By |2017-08-10T16:55:02-07:00August 10th, 2017|Clothing, North America|Comments Off on American clothing – 1600s AD

Algonquin people with wool blankets In the 1600s, most people still dressed the same as they had before, in deerskins. But in the south-west, Pueblo and Navajo people began to buy wool clothing from the Spanish settlers. [...]

9 08, 2017

Early Shawnee history – Native Americans

By |2018-04-07T17:05:39-07:00August 9th, 2017|History, Native American|Comments Off on Early Shawnee history – Native Americans

Serpent Mound (Ohio, about 500 BC?) Shawnee people were related to the Algonquin and the Cree, and spoke a related Athabascan language, but they lived a little further south, in the mid-west (modern [...]

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