Egypt activities: Akhenaten and Nefertiti
If you’re a teacher, parent, or day camp counselor thinking of spending a week or so on ancient Egypt activities, here’s some ideas other people have found useful:
Clothes: For boys, a large white cotton t-shirt (it should come down to his knees) and a belt. Leather sandals are okay, or flipflops, or bare feet. Or, a boy could wear a long piece of white cotton (like a strip of a sheet) wound around his legs to make a pair of shorts, and tucked in at the waist. He would not wear a shirt with that.
For girls, a longer white outfit like a long white nightgown – it should reach her ankles. This, too, should be tied at the waist with a sash. Both girls and boys in ancient Egypt often wore heavy gold jewelry, and blue or green eye shadow, and black eyeliner.
More on Egyptian clothes
Food: Ancient Egyptians ate pita bread, with chunks of grilled lamb, lettuce, and other vegetables. They liked barley soup, and lentil soup. You might have a green salad along with that, or pickled vegetables like olives and artichokes. For dessert, fresh or candied dates and figs were popular, and also pistachios or walnuts. More on Egyptian food.
* Making papyrus
* Hieroglyphics
* Drawing the afterlife
* Carving reliefs
Bibliography and further reading:
Pyramids: 50 Hands-On Activities to Experience Ancient Egypt, by Avery Hart and others (1997).
Spend the Day in Ancient Egypt : Projects and Activities That Bring the Past to Life, by Linda Honan (1999).
Ancient Egypt Book and Treasure Chest (Working for Myself), by George Hart (1994). Rave reviews – includes hieroglyphic stamp kit, Egyptian bead necklace, board games, and more.
Cut and Make Egyptian Masks, by A. G. Smith and Josie Hazen (1993). King Tut, lioness, falcon, crocodile and a jackal.
Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book, by John Green (1989).