John the Baptist – Early Christianity
John the Baptist baptizes Jesus (sarcophagus from Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, 200s AD) Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist was, according to the Bible, the cousin of Jesus Christ. He [...]
John the Baptist baptizes Jesus (sarcophagus from Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, 200s AD) Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist was, according to the Bible, the cousin of Jesus Christ. He [...]
A Puritan family about 1563 About 1563 AD, some people in England decided that they wanted to follow a way of life that they thought would be more according to what the Christian God wanted. [...]
Paul Dunbar The Party (1913) DEY had a gread big pahty down to Tom's de othah night; Was I dah? You bet! I neveh in my life see sich a [...]
Swannanona pottery (ca. 1000 BC) Even before Cherokee people first came to the southeast, the Woodland people who were living there were making baskets and pottery. Their earliest pottery looks a lot like baskets and probably came [...]
Ancient Egyptian games: knucklebones Egyptian board games: senet and mancala Ancient Egyptian games were a lot like some games people still play today. Some Egyptian games were traditional African games. [...]
Early Chinese women: A Chinese woman playing polo (T'ang Dynasty, 700s AD) China has always been influenced by the cultures to its south - India and Southeast Asia - where [...]
A mosaic floor made up of tiny blocks You make the simplest kind of mosaic by taking a lot of black and white pebbles and arranging them on a bed [...]