
4 09, 2017

Pliny the Younger and his Letters – Roman history

By |2017-09-04T08:27:09-07:00September 4th, 2017|History, Literature, Romans|Comments Off on Pliny the Younger and his Letters – Roman history

Forum of Pompeii Pliny the Younger was the nephew of Pliny the Elder. He was a teenager visiting his uncle near Pompeii when his uncle died in the eruption. Pliny the Younger, however, did [...]

3 09, 2017

Constantine – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

By |2019-04-22T19:28:06-07:00September 3rd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Constantine – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

The Roman emperor Constantine - the first Christian emperor Constantius' son Constantine Diocletian's Tetrarchy worked pretty well for about 20 years, but then it broke down. In 306 AD one of the four [...]

1 09, 2017

Roman chariot-racing – Circus games in Ancient Rome

By |2019-10-28T08:46:39-07:00September 1st, 2017|Romans|13 Comments

Roman circus games: Roman chariot-racing mosaic from Vienne, France Chariot-racing and gambling In addition to gladiatorial games, people in ancient Rome also really loved chariot-racing.  Both men and women went to [...]

25 08, 2017

What is a theologian? History of religion

By |2018-04-08T01:10:59-07:00August 25th, 2017|Religion, West Asia|Comments Off on What is a theologian? History of religion

Pope Gregory the Great writing, from the 900s AD. Ivory, probably from Kenya. (Now in Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum) A theologian (thee-oh-LOW-gin) is a person who studies religion. The word comes from [...]

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