Roman religion – Ancient Roman gods
Hadrian's Pantheon from the outside. Built in the early 100s AD In some ways Roman religion is a lot like Greek religion, but in other ways it is very different. Like [...]
Hadrian's Pantheon from the outside. Built in the early 100s AD In some ways Roman religion is a lot like Greek religion, but in other ways it is very different. Like [...]
Cicero's philosophy: a bust of Cicero (Capitoline Museum, Rome) Who was Cicero? In the last years of the Roman Republic, great men like Julius Caesar and Pompey fought over which of [...]
Forum of Pompeii Pliny the Younger was the nephew of Pliny the Elder. He was a teenager visiting his uncle near Pompeii when his uncle died in the eruption. Pliny the Younger, however, did [...]
The Roman emperor Constantine - the first Christian emperor Constantius' son Constantine Diocletian's Tetrarchy worked pretty well for about 20 years, but then it broke down. In 306 AD one of the four [...]
Roman circus games: Roman chariot-racing mosaic from Vienne, France Chariot-racing and gambling In addition to gladiatorial games, people in ancient Rome also really loved chariot-racing. Both men and women went to [...]
Roman soldiers carry a large Jewish menorah in a victory parade on the Arch of Titus. Roman art of the first and second centuries AD pretty much continued the traditions of portraiture and Greek imitations. [...]
Hadrian's Pantheon from the outside. Built in Rome, around 120 AD. Who built the Roman Pantheon? In the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus, about 10 BC, one of his generals, a [...]
Pope Gregory the Great writing, from the 900s AD. Ivory, probably from Kenya. (Now in Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum) A theologian (thee-oh-LOW-gin) is a person who studies religion. The word comes from [...]
A Jewish tombstone from the Roman Empire with Greek writing and menorahs (Vatican Museum, Rome) Jews in the Roman Empire From the end of the Second Jewish Revolt and the Diaspora, around 130 AD, [...]
Building at Gobekli Tepe (ca. 9000 BC) People have started a lot of different religions. Some of them are still practiced today; others are not. It is hard even to [...]