
30 07, 2017

Gothic Cathedral – Middle Ages – History of architecture

By |2019-03-06T07:12:15-08:00July 30th, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|2 Comments

Gothic cathedral: Nave of Rouen cathedral (1200s AD) Northern France gets rich enough to build cathedrals In the late 1100s and early 1200s AD, the kings of France, Philip and his son Louis, [...]

30 07, 2017

Chartres cathedral – medieval France

By |2019-03-13T19:23:01-07:00July 30th, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|Comments Off on Chartres cathedral – medieval France

Chartres on the horizon Why was Chartres so important? Even though Chartres, near Paris, France, was only a small town, it had an important treasure: the dress that people said Mary was wearing when [...]

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