Trajan’s Markets – Roman architecture
The view from Trajan's Markets Why did Trajan build a new forum? After the Forum of Julius Caesar and the Forum of Augustus, later emperors also built more extensions on to the Roman Forum, [...]
The view from Trajan's Markets Why did Trajan build a new forum? After the Forum of Julius Caesar and the Forum of Augustus, later emperors also built more extensions on to the Roman Forum, [...]
These three columns are what is left of the Roman temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum The Temple of Castor and Pollux is at one end of the Roman [...]
Roman architecture: the bath building of Domitian's palace in Rome Arches, brick, and concrete One of the things the Romans are most famous for is their architecture. And it's true that the [...]
Hadrian's Pantheon from the outside. Built in Rome, around 120 AD. Who built the Roman Pantheon? In the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus, about 10 BC, one of his generals, a [...]
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Roman Forum Where is the Basilica of Maxentius? The Basilica of Maxentius was the last building the emperors built in the Roman Forum before the fall of Rome. [...]
Poor people often ate their meals in bars or fast food restaurants. Here a barmaid brings a drink to two men sitting on chairs. The words show the men arguing about [...]
Roman cooking braziers - Picture thanks to VROMA Did Roman houses even have kitchens? Poor Romans in the countryside most often lived with their whole family in one room of [...]
Roman houses: A model of a typical house (from Egypt) Living in one room Most people in the Roman Empire lived with their whole family in one room of a sort of small [...]
Etruscan bed-frame (in the Vatican Museum, Rome) What did Roman beds look like? This is an Etruscan bed-frame. Roman bed-frames were pretty much the same. It would have had a mattress on [...]
Basilica Julia, Rome - in the Roman forum What was a Roman forum? At the center of most Roman cities was a big open space called the Forum. People met [...]