Math book (Babylon, about 2000 BC)

Math book (Babylon, about 2000 BC)

(If you’re American, the rest of the English-speaking world calls the subject “Maths” – only Americans say “Math class”)

Today is world maths day, so I thought I’d post some links:

All our math articles

In addition to maths articles, we also have a lot on the history of math:

Early art from Blombos Cave, South Africa (ca. 80,000 BC)

Early art from Blombos Cave, South Africa (ca. 80,000 BC)

Early African math
Math in ancient Egypt
Mesopotamian math
Babylonian math problem
Greek math and geometry

Tapestry of “Arithmetic” from Belgium in the 1600s. The spirit of Arithmetic is showing men how to use Arabic numbers.

Indian math – numbers and zero
Math in early China
The Nine Chapters
Roman numerals
Medieval Islamic math
Medieval math in Europe
Early modern math

An Islamic astrolabe (832 AD)

An Islamic astrolabe (832 AD)