Shana Tova! Happy New Year!

Sunday will (finally) be Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. If you’re wondering why the Jewish new year doesn’t line up with the calendar New Year, it’s because people actually celebrate New Years at different times for different reasons.

What is Rosh Hashanah?
History of the Jews
Why do we have seasons?

There’s the beginning of the new school year in August or September. The Islamic New Year moves around our calendar, but this year it was in the end of August. Then there’s the new calendar year in January. Chinese New Year is in February.

Eid al-Adha
Chinese New Year
What is Nowruz?
When did Easter start?

The holiday of Nowruz marks the Iranian (and the old Babylonian) New Year. India’s New Year is in the spring too. Easter starts the Christian year. And July is the beginning of the new tax year for businesses.

What do people eat for Rosh Hashanah?

Apples and honey are traditional, and challah bread. People bake the challah bread round for the holiday, to show that the years go around and around. A lot of people eat pomegranates too. Try our terrific recipe for challah bread!

Where are apples from?
When did people start to eat honey?
Why do bees make honey?
Persephone and pomegranates
How to make challah

Other Judaism articles

We also have articles about Jewish topics like rabbis, synagogues, and the Talmud. Whether you will spend this weekend at services in the synagogue or not, wouldn’t you like to know how they got started?

What is a rabbi?
What’s a synagogue?
And what is the Talmud?

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