What is typhoid fever? History of diseases
Typhoid fever: A person with typhoid rash (Iran) Is it typhoid or typhus? Typhoid fever isn't the same thing as typhus at all. You catch typhus from being bit by lice that [...]
Typhoid fever: A person with typhoid rash (Iran) Is it typhoid or typhus? Typhoid fever isn't the same thing as typhus at all. You catch typhus from being bit by lice that [...]
Anna Comnena, author of the Alexiad Who was Anna Comnena? Anna Comnena was born a princess in 1083 AD. She was the oldest child of the Byzantine emperor Alexios. She was named [...]
A page from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, from Herat, Afghanistan, about 1444 AD. Now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Islamic historians began by translating Greek historians like Herodotus and Thucydides into Arabic. But soon historians wrote in [...]
Thucydides, carved in the 200s BC, so long after he died. Now in the Louvre, in Paris Thucydides (thoo-SID-id-ees) was an Athenian from a rich family. He was related to [...]
The Pnyx, where the Athenian Assembly met When did Athens attack Melos? In 416 BC, Athens and Sparta were right in the middle of the Peloponnesian War. As part of that war, [...]
Parthenon, Athens The Athenian historian Thucydides, who lived through the Peloponnesian War and wrote the history of it, began by asking, why did the war start? He answered that basically [...]
Children being vaccinated A vaccination is a way to keep animals (both people and other kinds of animals) from getting sick when viruses get inside their bodies. The earliest kind [...]