
8 08, 2017

Cherokee food – What did Cherokee people eat?

By |2019-09-14T06:38:15-07:00August 8th, 2017|Native American|15 Comments

Cherokee food: Corn on the cob The Three Sisters People who lived in the Cherokee nation were mostly farmers. They ate mainly corn and beans and squash (the "Three Sisters") that they grew in their fields. More about the Three [...]

24 05, 2017

African Economy – Early Modern

By |2019-05-21T19:54:33-07:00May 24th, 2017|Africa, Economy|Comments Off on African Economy – Early Modern

Early modern African economy: Guinea Cloth (Cotton) Early Modern African economy In the late 1400s AD, Portuguese traders figured out how to sail to West Africa instead of getting there [...]

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