
7 08, 2017

History of Bicycles – Steel and feminism

By |2019-02-13T20:34:07-08:00August 7th, 2017|Modern Europe, Science|Comments Off on History of Bicycles – Steel and feminism

A velocipede Early wooden bicycles Bicycles were invented bit by bit in many different countries. They grew out of earlier inventions like wheels (from Central Asia) and wheelbarrows and cranks (from China), but Karl [...]

31 05, 2017

Scythian clothing – Central Asian clothing history

By |2018-11-07T10:24:56-08:00May 31st, 2017|Central Asia, Clothing|Comments Off on Scythian clothing – Central Asian clothing history

Plaid wool fabric from about 1000 BC, from western China It's cold in Central Asia Central Asia is pretty far north, so it's pretty cold there. More about Central Asian [...]

31 05, 2017

What clothes did Mongols wear? Central Asian clothing

By |2017-06-08T09:06:33-07:00May 31st, 2017|Central Asia, Clothing|Comments Off on What clothes did Mongols wear? Central Asian clothing

Kyrgyz women spinning Around 1000 AD, the Mongols were still wearing mostly hemp clothing like the earlier Scythians. But in addition to their tunics, the Mongols sewed the hemp into [...]

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