Late Bronze Age timeline: 2000 – 1000 BC
Earliest known spoked wheels, from a grave in western Siberia When about 2000 BC the Central Asians invented better wheels with spokes, so you could fight from your chariot, a new [...]
Earliest known spoked wheels, from a grave in western Siberia When about 2000 BC the Central Asians invented better wheels with spokes, so you could fight from your chariot, a new [...]
Maya Corn King on a plate Polytheism in the Americas The people who lived in South and Central America before 1500 were polytheistic - they believed in many different gods. Because they [...]
Olmec clay statue ca. 1100-500 BC - Olmec history Why are the Olmec important? The earliest state government in North or South America was the Olmec. They formed their state about 1200 BC. [...]
Aztec men sharing a meal What did early people eat? When people first came to Central and South America, perhaps about 15,000 BC, they hunted and gathered all of their food. They picked wild potatoes, [...]
Olmec Pyramid, La Venta, Mexico (500 BC) The earliest big buildings from South America are in Ecuador and Peru, along the Pacific coast. The Norte Chico people and the Valdivia people built [...]
A big rubber tree in Mexico Olmec people, living in southern Mexico, invented rubber about 1600 BC. It was just as they were beginning to build their empire. Rubber starts out as [...]
History of schools: Scribes writing (New Kingdom Egypt) The history of schools From the Stone Age to the end of the Middle Ages, most children never went to school at [...]
Archaic North America - the glaciers melted with the end of the Ice Age When did the Archaic period begin? After the Paleo-Indian period, came the Archaic period. The Archaic started [...]
History of turkeys: Wild turkeys When did turkeys evolve? Turkeys evolved from earlier birds. The ancestors of the turkey evolved about 100 million years ago, from the dinosaurs that were [...]
Wild sunflowers or Black-Eyed Susan flowers Where do sunflowers grow wild? Sunflowers grew wild all over North America. From the Paleo-Indian time on, many different groups of people picked sunflowers and [...]