Who was the Roman goddess Venus? Roman religion
Venus rising out of the ocean, from Tunisia in North Africa (300s AD) The goddess Venus was the goddess of growing things, gardens, love and fertility for the Romans. People sacrificed to [...]
Venus rising out of the ocean, from Tunisia in North Africa (300s AD) The goddess Venus was the goddess of growing things, gardens, love and fertility for the Romans. People sacrificed to [...]
So-called "Mars of Todi", an Etruscan statue from about 500 BC What was Mars the god of? Mars was the Roman god of war and fighting, the son of Juno (all by herself, with [...]
Basilica Julia, Rome - in the Roman forum What was a Roman forum? At the center of most Roman cities was a big open space called the Forum. People met [...]
The Roman theater at Thagaste (Souk Ahras), in Algeria, where Augustine of Hippo grew up. Where was Augustine from? Augustine of Hippo was born in a small town in North [...]
What are planets? The planet Venus from space Before there were planets For several hundred million years after the Big Bang, there were no planets, only stars. Planets couldn't form until the [...]
This truck has a lot of mass. Mass is a measure of the number of atoms in an object combined with the density of those atoms. Usually people measure mass in kilograms. You can tell [...]
Mars, the way the planet looks from space Which planet is Mars? The closest planet to Earth is Mars, and Mars is also the planet that seems most likely to have life on [...]
Seeing the planet Mars - a Mars project See Mars for yourself! You can see Mars for yourself in the sky at night, without a telescope or binoculars. Look for [...]
A magnet holding a steel bar - what are magnets? What is magnetism? Magnetism is a force created by electricity, or more specifically by electrons. In any iron atom, there are 26 electrons. [...]
The god Ares, on an Athenian black figure vase from about 570 BC What is Ares the god of? Ares is the ancient Greek god of war , and so [...]