the planet Mars

Seeing the planet Mars – a Mars project

See Mars for yourself!

You can see Mars for yourself in the sky at night, without a telescope or binoculars. Look for a bright, reddish star (though it’s not really a star; it’s a planet! But it looks like a very bright, reddish star). It works better to look pretty late at night, usually. You may need to leave the city, if you live in a big city, to get the sky dark enough so you can see a planet.

I know it doesn’t really look that red in the picture, but Mars does look reddish when you see it in the sky!

At different seasons

For a more advanced project, try looking for Mars at different times of year. Is it always in the same part of the sky? Why do these changes happen?

More about Mars
The god Mars

Bibliography and further reading about planets:

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