Jataka Tales

14 08, 2017

Br’er Rabbit and the Tar Baby – American literature

By |2019-02-23T13:29:41-08:00August 14th, 2017|Literature, North America|Comments Off on Br’er Rabbit and the Tar Baby – American literature

Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby A famous Br'er Rabbit story This is a story about Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Fox. Br'er Fox was sick and tired of Bre'r Rabbit tricking him. [...]

3 08, 2017

The Clerk’s Tale – Chaucer – Canterbury Tales

By |2019-04-09T12:10:27-07:00August 3rd, 2017|Literature, Medieval|Comments Off on The Clerk’s Tale – Chaucer – Canterbury Tales

Just like the Clerk's Tale: Clerks in the Manessa Codex (1300 AD) A story from Boccaccio Chaucer's Clerk's Tale is actually taken from one of Boccaccio's stories, and because of that [...]

3 08, 2017

Boccaccio – Decameron – Medieval literature

By |2020-04-21T06:25:16-07:00August 3rd, 2017|Literature, Medieval|Comments Off on Boccaccio – Decameron – Medieval literature

Florence, Italy Who was Boccaccio? Most of the people who knew how to write in the early Middle Ages were monks. So most of them wrote about serious things like God and [...]

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