Roman science – What did ancient Romans invent?
Roman mold-blown glass (100s AD) West Asian/African science under Roman rule What we call Roman science is a mixture of two different things. The first is the discoveries and inventions [...]
Roman mold-blown glass (100s AD) West Asian/African science under Roman rule What we call Roman science is a mixture of two different things. The first is the discoveries and inventions [...]
The view from Trajan's Markets Why did Trajan build a new forum? After the Forum of Julius Caesar and the Forum of Augustus, later emperors also built more extensions on to the Roman Forum, [...]
Hadrian's Pantheon from the outside. Built in Rome, around 120 AD. Who built the Roman Pantheon? In the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus, about 10 BC, one of his generals, a [...]
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Roman Forum Where is the Basilica of Maxentius? The Basilica of Maxentius was the last building the emperors built in the Roman Forum before the fall of Rome. [...]
Chalk cliff (made of calcium atoms) in Cottonwood Canyon, Pueblo, Colorado What is calcium? When a star is on the way to converting all of its carbon and oxygen atoms into [...]
A block of limestone Starting with seashells Limestone is a kind of sedimentary stone that is very common all over the world. This kind of stone forms out of the shells of [...]
History of cement: An underground mithraeum in the Roman port town of Ostia History of cement Cement is a very hard kind of rock that people make themselves. People all over [...]
History of concrete: The fountain in the center of the courtyard is concrete (This is from the Palace of Domitian in Rome) What is concrete? Concrete is a kind of [...]
Arches of the Medieval Baptistry at Pisa How do you hold up the roof? People building houses or any other kind of people have always had this one big problem, [...]