Stoics – Greek and Roman philosophy
Cicero, a Roman philosopher The Stoics were a group of philosophers who first began teaching their ideas in the Hellenistic period. Stoicism was founded by a man named Zeno, who lived from 335-263 [...]
Cicero, a Roman philosopher The Stoics were a group of philosophers who first began teaching their ideas in the Hellenistic period. Stoicism was founded by a man named Zeno, who lived from 335-263 [...]
This is supposed to be a bust of Pyrrhon, the founder of Skeptic philosophy We don't know as much as we might like to about the activities of Plato's Academy after [...]
Weighing the souls of the dead Philosophy means the love of wisdom. But what does that mean? It's hard to separate philosophy from religion. And it's also hard to draw a [...]
A statue of the philosopher Epicurus, carved later, long after he died - Epicurean philosophy When did Epicurus live? Another philosophical group which developed in the Hellenistic period, around the same time as [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
Christian monks: A monk shaving another monk What is a monk? Sometimes when a little boy seemed especially smart, his parents would take him to a monastery and leave him [...]
Early Japanese religion: Ujigami Shinto Shrine (Japan, 1300s AD) Where did the Shinto faith come from? The earliest people in Japan probably brought with them ancient religious ideas from Africa. [...]
Early Japanese literature: A copy of the Kojiki from the 1300s AD Printing and paper in Japan Just after 700 AD, the Japanese Empress Genmei ordered her staff to write and publish Japan's [...]
Yamato Japan: Haniwa seated woman from a kofun tomb, possibly a Shinto religious leader (ca. 500 AD) From Yayoi to Yamato By the end of the Yayoi period (Japan's Iron Age) in 250 [...]
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1300s AD) Muromachi family gets power The great families drove out Emperor Do-Gaigo in 1338 AD. Who was the Emperor Do-Gaigo? More Japan articles Then the new shogun was from the [...]