bubonic plague

10 09, 2017

Late Middle Ages timeline 1100-1500 AD

By |2020-01-13T04:51:00-08:00September 10th, 2017|Central Asia, History, When|Comments Off on Late Middle Ages timeline 1100-1500 AD

The Mongol court (1200s AD) - Late Middle Ages timeline The Little Ice Age After the warming trend of 1000 AD came a colder period around 1300 AD called the Little Ice Age. [...]

22 08, 2017

Gregory the Great – Early medieval Italy

By |2019-07-25T10:55:59-07:00August 22nd, 2017|Medieval, Religion|Comments Off on Gregory the Great – Early medieval Italy

Pope Gregory the Great writing, carved near Strasbourg, about 875 AD. That's under Charlemagne's grandchildren. The Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) sits on his shoulder and dictates to [...]

7 08, 2017

Renaissance Science in Europe

By |2017-08-07T21:36:38-07:00August 7th, 2017|Modern Europe, Science|Comments Off on Renaissance Science in Europe

Copernicus, a Renaissance astronomer Starting in the 1200s AD, as Europe got richer, great universities got started there. In the later Middle Ages, West Asia and India suffered from the Mongol invasions. West Asian people were too poor to [...]

3 08, 2017

Boccaccio – Decameron – Medieval literature

By |2020-04-21T06:25:16-07:00August 3rd, 2017|Literature, Medieval|Comments Off on Boccaccio – Decameron – Medieval literature

Florence, Italy Who was Boccaccio? Most of the people who knew how to write in the early Middle Ages were monks. So most of them wrote about serious things like God and [...]

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