Love stories and the history of love
Birth of Aphrodite (from Pompeii, about 50 AD) Stories about love People have been falling in love for hundreds of thousands of years, since they were monkeys and not really [...]
Birth of Aphrodite (from Pompeii, about 50 AD) Stories about love People have been falling in love for hundreds of thousands of years, since they were monkeys and not really [...]
What is an oracle? The Greek oracle at Dodona in northern Greece Greek oracle definition: What is an oracle? The definition of the word oracle is actually pretty tricky. The [...]
Apollo and Artemis kill Niobe's children (Athens, 400s BC) Niobe (Nye-OH-bee) was a woman in Greece - in Thebes - a long long time ago (in the story). She was the daughter of Tantalus, and so she lived under [...]
The Cassandra myth: Ajax the Lesser drags Cassandra away from the statue of Athena Apollo curses Cassandra Cassandra was a priestess of Apollo in Troy before the Trojan War. She was very [...]
Temple of Apollo at Delphi How old was the shrine at Delphi? Delphi (DELL-fee), in central Greece, seems to have been a sacred shrine even before the Greeks arrived in [...]
The god Apollo was a sun god Apollo's family ties Apollo is a younger god, the son of Zeus and the nymph Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo's [...]
Nomos and physis: Laocoon: being strangled by snakes People in ancient Greece often thought of the world as being a fight, or an agon, between the two forces of rationalism [...]
Oedipus Rex: The shepherd tells his story to Oedipus, while Jocasta listens in horror (now in the Getty Museum) Sophocles wrote this very famous play in the 400s BC. It [...]
Orestes kills Clytemnestra Third in a trilogy The Eumenides is the third of a cycle of three plays written by the Greek playwright Aeschylus. Who was Aeschylus? Agamemnon Curse of [...]
Tyr in Viking work from Sweden, 700s AD Tyr (or Tiw) was the German form of the Indo-European sky god Dyeus Piter. He was the same god as the Greek [...]