South American and Central American architecture
Olmec Pyramid, La Venta, Mexico (500 BC) The earliest big buildings from South America are in Ecuador and Peru, along the Pacific coast. The Norte Chico people and the Valdivia people built [...]
Olmec Pyramid, La Venta, Mexico (500 BC) The earliest big buildings from South America are in Ecuador and Peru, along the Pacific coast. The Norte Chico people and the Valdivia people built [...]
Vomitorium in the Colosseum in Rome(The roof has fallen in.) You might think a vomitorium must have something to do with barfing, and those stories about Romans eating too much and then [...]
The view from Trajan's Markets Why did Trajan build a new forum? After the Forum of Julius Caesar and the Forum of Augustus, later emperors also built more extensions on to the Roman Forum, [...]
A victory temple from Republican Rome Like the Egyptians, the West Asians, the Carthaginians, the Greeks and theEtruscans before them, the Romans built many temples for their gods. One of the first buildings we know of in Rome is [...]
These three columns are what is left of the Roman temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum The Temple of Castor and Pollux is at one end of the Roman [...]
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Roman Forum Where is the Basilica of Maxentius? The Basilica of Maxentius was the last building the emperors built in the Roman Forum before the fall of Rome. [...]
Roman cooking braziers - Picture thanks to VROMA Did Roman houses even have kitchens? Poor Romans in the countryside most often lived with their whole family in one room of [...]
Etruscan bed-frame (in the Vatican Museum, Rome) What did Roman beds look like? This is an Etruscan bed-frame. Roman bed-frames were pretty much the same. It would have had a mattress on [...]
The inside of Nero's Golden House: it's very dark! Why was Nero building a new palace? After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero took advantage of the space [...]
Basilica Julia, Rome - in the Roman forum What was a Roman forum? At the center of most Roman cities was a big open space called the Forum. People met [...]