Mississippians and American history
Excavation of a house at Joara The Little Ice Age The people who lived in the lower Mississippi valley (modern Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama) were not doing so well around 1500 AD. The [...]
Excavation of a house at Joara The Little Ice Age The people who lived in the lower Mississippi valley (modern Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama) were not doing so well around 1500 AD. The [...]
A Mandan village in 1832 Around 1500 AD, Mandan women began to build round houses, or lodges, instead of rectangular ones. They also started using bison skin tipis when they were travelling [...]
Louisiana Purchase: What Europeans were claiming Before the Louisiana purchase In 1800 AD, Native Americans still controlled most of North America. But Spain, France, Britain and the United States were busy fighting over who got to conquer [...]
A Canadian Inuit village in 1575 AD Inuit trade collapses In 1500 AD, the Inuit weren't doing so well. They had been buying steel and iron weapons from Vikings and East Asian traders. They used [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In the 1700s AD, most of North America was still under the control of native people. Because Pueblo people and the Navajo had taken Spanish invaders' horses and traded them [...]
Crow men: later Crow history Crow people get smallpox and measles In the 1600s AD, Crow people were still living in the Dakotas. But they caught smallpox and measles from their neighbors, the Mandan, and many Crow [...]
Cree history after 1500: A Cree man The Cree after 1500 AD In the 1500s AD, people who called themselves the Eenou lived in the northern part of North America, around what [...]
Comanche women (1800s) From Shoshone to Comanche Pueblo people captured Spanish horses in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 AD, and they sold some of those horses to the Shoshone, in what is now Wyoming. [...]
A Chinook woman Because the Chinook lived so far north and west, they didn't have any contact with European invaders in the 1500s or 1600s AD. So we don't know much about what the Chinook [...]
Cheyenne history changed when they got horses (Cheyenne painting on bison hide, 1800s) When did Cheyenne people meet Europeans? In 1680 AD, Cheyenne people were living around the sources of the Mississippi River [...]