
5 09, 2017

Heloise and Abelard – Middle Ages in Europe

By |2019-08-09T12:02:30-07:00September 5th, 2017|Medieval, Religion|Comments Off on Heloise and Abelard – Middle Ages in Europe

Heloise and Abelard Who was Heloise? The story of Heloise (HELL-oh-ees) and her husband Peter Abelard is one of the saddest stories of Western history. Heloise was born about 1100 [...]

21 07, 2017

Buddhism in India – A religion of ancient India – History of Buddhism

By |2019-09-13T07:00:15-07:00July 21st, 2017|India|10 Comments

Buddhism in India - Buddha Reincarnation and the wheel In the 500s BC, during the later part of the Vedic period in India, the idea of reincarnation became very strong among Hindus. Most people [...]

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