Romance of the Three Kingdoms – Chinese Literature
Romance of the Three Kingdoms hero Guan Yu, in a small statue made during the Ming Dynasty (about 1495 AD) Luo Guanzhong wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms around [...]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms hero Guan Yu, in a small statue made during the Ming Dynasty (about 1495 AD) Luo Guanzhong wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms around [...]
Three Kingdoms China: The tomb of Liu Bei The Han Dynasty collapses The Han Dynasty collapsed about 220 AD. For three hundred years after that, China was divided into three [...]
A T'ang Dynasty emperor In 220 AD, Han Dynasty China fell apart into three medium-sized kingdoms, so people call this the Three Kingdoms period. In 581 AD, a general named [...]
Song Dynasty pagoda (Hong Kong) About 200 AD, near the end of the Han Dynasty, people in China began to hear about the new religion of Buddhism, which had started in [...]
Inside Chinese houses: Women sitting on a k'ang bed in the 1890s Heated bed platforms Beginning in the Stone Age, people in China heated their beds before they slept in [...]
Three Kingdoms architecture: Mogao Caves (366 AD and later) First Buddhist temples in China Beginning in 366 AD, people in China built the earliest Buddhist temples in China. These first Buddhist temples [...]