Before 10,000 BC – World history timeline
Sibidu Cave, South Africa. People lived here from about 77,000 BC until about 38,000 years ago. In the early years of human history, beginning with the earliest humans about two million years [...]
Sibidu Cave, South Africa. People lived here from about 77,000 BC until about 38,000 years ago. In the early years of human history, beginning with the earliest humans about two million years [...]
Tertiary period: Large animals evolved like moose Dinosaurs become extinct The Tertiary period begins with the catastrophe that killed off the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period, about 65 [...]
Obsidian spear point, one of many obsidian tools from New Mexico (National Park Service) Where does obsidian come from? Obsidian is a kind of volcanic glass. It is shiny and [...]
Early basalt choppers from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) The first stone tools Chimpanzees use stones to hammer on nuts and break them open, and they collect stones to throw at enemies. [...]