Who are the Mapuche? South American history
Changos whale hunt, El Madano, ca. 1000 AD (before the Mapuche) When did people first reach Chile? There were probably people living in Chile (a narrow strip of land in [...]
Changos whale hunt, El Madano, ca. 1000 AD (before the Mapuche) When did people first reach Chile? There were probably people living in Chile (a narrow strip of land in [...]
Chavin stone carving From Norte Chico to Chavin By around 900 BC, the Norte Chico people of northern Peru developed into the Chavin culture. Like the earlier Norte Chico people, the Chavin people [...]
Inuit life: a carving of a person What did the Inuit eat? Inuit (INN-oo-it) people lived mainly by hunting seal and walrus and by fishing, and by gathering wild berries and roots like parsnips. They [...]
Clay seal project: A cylinder seal and square seal from ancient Mesopotamia What is a clay seal? The people of ancient Mesopotamia had many baskets which had been sealed with [...]