Roman Christians persecute the Jews
A Jewish tombstone from the Roman Empire with Greek writing and menorahs (Vatican Museum, Rome) Jews in the Roman Empire From the end of the Second Jewish Revolt and the Diaspora, around 130 AD, [...]
A Jewish tombstone from the Roman Empire with Greek writing and menorahs (Vatican Museum, Rome) Jews in the Roman Empire From the end of the Second Jewish Revolt and the Diaspora, around 130 AD, [...]
The Roman emperor Trajan (A.D. 98-117) in the Vatican. By the time that Trajan was the Roman Emperor, around 100 AD, Christianity was definitely illegal. We have some letters written by Pliny, the governor [...]
An early Christian house church at Dura Europos, in Syria (200s AD) Christian persecution pauses During the forty years between 261 AD and 303 AD, the Roman government did not officially [...]
The Roman emperor Nero In the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero, during the night between the 18th and the 19th of July, 64 AD, there was a great fire in the city of [...]
Manichaean painting (Turfan, western China, ca. 900s AD) - Who were the Manichaeans? The prophet Mani in the Sassanian Empire In the 300s and 400s AD many Christians turned to believing in [...]
The Roman emperor Domitian, the last of the Flavian emperors After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, we don't hear anything definite about the Christians for forty years. There's nothing that's for sure [...]
The Roman emperor Diocletian, who organized the Great Persecution of Christians. (This statue would have been painted and not white.) Diocletian's policies The Roman Emperor Diocletian came to power in 284 AD. Diocletian [...]
Sacrifice certificate on papyrus from Oxyrhynchus, in Egypt, dating to the Decian persecution (about 3 inches wide) Rome celebrates 1000 Years About 249 AD, the situation of the Christians took a sharp turn for the worse. The [...]
The Roman emperor Constantine becomes a Christian - the first Christian emperor Constantine becomes an Emperor In 312 AD, the Great Persecution was still going on in the Eastern part of the [...]
Takht-i Bahi, a Buddhist monastery in eastern Pakistan (about 50 AD) where Buddhist monks could study Holy men and women While Gautama Buddha was still alive, about 500 BC, he had many followers. [...]