What is the Trinity? Christianity – Religion
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Perugino, about 1482 in Rome) Christian people all believed that there was one God. But many people thought God existed in three forms: God the Father, Jesus the [...]
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Perugino, about 1482 in Rome) Christian people all believed that there was one God. But many people thought God existed in three forms: God the Father, Jesus the [...]
Brigham Young in the 1840s And after they killed Joseph Smith? After a mob killed Joseph Smith, the Mormons chose a new leader, Brigham Young (BRIG-am yung) and wisely left Illinois. The [...]
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons In 1820 AD, Joseph Smith was fourteen years old. The teenager lived in a small town in New York State. He was upset when [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
Wovoka, a Paiute man who promoted the Ghost Dance Native Americans were suffering By the late 1800s AD, the United States and Canadian armies forced most of the people who had [...]
The Paiute fight back - Sarah Winnemucca was a Paiute activist. The Paiute get horses At first the Paiute didn't see any of the Spanish invaders who conquered the Pueblo people around 1500 AD, but they still [...]