Woodland period Native American history
Early Anasazi (Pueblo) pottery from about 550-800 AD Early Woodland The third period of North American history, after the Archaic period, is the Woodland period. What happened in the Archaic period? [...]
Early Anasazi (Pueblo) pottery from about 550-800 AD Early Woodland The third period of North American history, after the Archaic period, is the Woodland period. What happened in the Archaic period? [...]
Cahokia mound in Illinois, where a Mississippian city was When did the Mississippian period start? After 800 AD the Mississippian culture developed all along the Mississippi and the Missouri valleys, replacing [...]
Cherokee history: statues from Etowah (now northern Georgia) from about 1300 AD (maybe these should really be counted as Creek?) The Ani Chota The Cherokee nation was the largest nation [...]
Cherokee lacrosse players from 1888 People who lived in North America played both active games and the kind where you can sit down. Their favorite active game was lacrosse. Or actually lacrosse [...]
Cherokee fishing weir on the Little Tennessee River in Macon County. (Thanks to Ralph Preston) People who lived in the Cherokee nation got their meat from hunting and fishing, and [...]
Cherokee hairstyles Early Cherokee clothing: Tsiyu Gansini, Cherokee chief (late 1700s AD) - Cherokee hairstyles Like most people, Cherokee people used their clothing and hairstyles to show that they were [...]
Swannanona pottery (ca. 1000 BC) Even before Cherokee people first came to the southeast, the Woodland people who were living there were making baskets and pottery. Their earliest pottery looks a lot like baskets and probably came [...]
Rice paddy with a Chinese man planting rice The Medieval Warm period During the later Middle Ages, the climate, at least in some parts of the world, was a little [...]
Sharecroppers and cotton: Cotton pickers in the 1800s AD Slavery and the cotton gin The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 AD made it possible for enslaved people to [...]
History of pottery: Philistine pottery (compare Mycenaean Greek pottery) What is pottery? Pottery is dishes, plates, cups, cooking pots, and storage jars made out of clay. People make dishes and pots [...]