
13 09, 2017

Amorites – Mesopotamia – West Asian history

By |2019-09-05T05:40:46-07:00September 13th, 2017|West Asia|Comments Off on Amorites – Mesopotamia – West Asian history

History of the Amorites: an Amorite jug, about 2200 BC Where did the Amorites live? About 2400 BC, the Amorites were living in what is now southern Turkey and Syria. Amorites [...]

1 09, 2017

Roman chariot-racing – Circus games in Ancient Rome

By |2019-10-28T08:46:39-07:00September 1st, 2017|Romans|13 Comments

Roman circus games: Roman chariot-racing mosaic from Vienne, France Chariot-racing and gambling In addition to gladiatorial games, people in ancient Rome also really loved chariot-racing.  Both men and women went to [...]

14 08, 2017

Sitting Bull and Wounded Knee – Sioux history

By |2019-12-29T05:55:19-08:00August 14th, 2017|History, Native American|Comments Off on Sitting Bull and Wounded Knee – Sioux history

Sioux history - Red Elk Woman, a member of the Sioux When did the Sioux first meet Europeans? In the 1500s and 1600s AD, Sioux people - Lakota people - were still [...]

14 08, 2017

The Shoshone fight the United States

By |2018-05-17T16:30:44-07:00August 14th, 2017|History, Native American|Comments Off on The Shoshone fight the United States

Shoshone history: a Shoshone woman and baby The Shoshone get horses After the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 AD, some Shoshone people in Wyoming bought horses. These horse-riders split off from the other Shoshone and [...]

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