Medieval African history – Timbuktu and Great Zimbabwe
Mansa Musa of Mali After the 400s AD, the Bantu expansion slowed down. They had already settled most of the good farmland in southern Africa. What was left was mainly desert [...]
Mansa Musa of Mali After the 400s AD, the Bantu expansion slowed down. They had already settled most of the good farmland in southern Africa. What was left was mainly desert [...]
European trade goods (thanks to Nebraska Game and Parks Division) North American people made rapid scientific advances in the course of the 1500s AD, inspired by contacts with traders and [...]
History of the Amorites: an Amorite jug, about 2200 BC Where did the Amorites live? About 2400 BC, the Amorites were living in what is now southern Turkey and Syria. Amorites [...]
Earliest known dice (Iran, ca. 2600 BC) See that the six is already opposite the one, as on modern dice? But check out this Harappan die. The people of West Asia really [...]
Roman circus games: Roman chariot-racing mosaic from Vienne, France Chariot-racing and gambling In addition to gladiatorial games, people in ancient Rome also really loved chariot-racing. Both men and women went to [...]
Wovoka, a Paiute man who promoted the Ghost Dance Native Americans were suffering By the late 1800s AD, the United States and Canadian armies forced most of the people who had [...]
Utes riding horses in the 1800s AD During the 1500s AD, the Utes had not yet seen any European invaders. They were still living in Utah and Colorado the way they had [...]
Sioux history - Red Elk Woman, a member of the Sioux When did the Sioux first meet Europeans? In the 1500s and 1600s AD, Sioux people - Lakota people - were still [...]
Shoshone history: a Shoshone woman and baby The Shoshone get horses After the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 AD, some Shoshone people in Wyoming bought horses. These horse-riders split off from the other Shoshone and [...]
The causes of the Pueblo Revolt: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Pueblo people move to the Rio Grande In 1500 AD, people of the Pueblo nation had recently left their usual land, probably [...]