
3 09, 2017

Constantius and Julian – Later Roman Empire

By |2019-10-20T14:14:33-07:00September 3rd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Constantius and Julian – Later Roman Empire

The Roman emperor Constantius II, son of Constantine Constantine II, Constantius, and Constans The Roman emperor Constantine died in his 60s in 337 AD. His three surviving sons split the Empire [...]

3 09, 2017

Claudius – Roman emperor – Ancient Rome

By |2019-04-08T19:34:16-07:00September 3rd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Claudius – Roman emperor – Ancient Rome

The Roman emperor Claudius (died 54 AD) Claudius's family Claudius was born in 10 BC in the city of Lugdunum in Gaul (modern Lyons, France). His mother was Antonia Minor, Mark Anthony's youngest [...]

2 09, 2017

Caligula – Emperor of Rome – Ancient Rome

By |2019-02-26T20:45:28-08:00September 2nd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Caligula – Emperor of Rome – Ancient Rome

The Roman emperor Caligula Why was his nickname Caligula? Caligula's real name was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (after his ancestors Julius Caesar and Augustus). But everyone called him Caligula [...]

26 08, 2017

Domitian’s palace – Domus Flavia – Roman architecture

By |2019-05-15T05:48:39-07:00August 26th, 2017|Architecture, Romans|Comments Off on Domitian’s palace – Domus Flavia – Roman architecture

This is the facade, or front entrance, to Domitian's palace, the Domus Flavia Why did Domitian build the Domus Flavia? Vespasian, the first emperor of the Flavian Dynasty in Rome, had been [...]

23 08, 2017

Pliny, Trajan, and the Christians

By |2018-04-24T23:10:19-07:00August 23rd, 2017|Religion, Romans|Comments Off on Pliny, Trajan, and the Christians

The Roman emperor Trajan (A.D. 98-117) in the Vatican. By the time that Trajan was the Roman Emperor, around 100 AD, Christianity was definitely illegal. We have some letters written by Pliny, the governor [...]

1 08, 2017

Basil, Zoe, and the Armenian Dynasty

By |2019-11-07T17:01:57-08:00August 1st, 2017|History, Medieval|Comments Off on Basil, Zoe, and the Armenian Dynasty

Basil starts the Armenian Dynasty In 867 AD, Basil killed Bardas and took over as Roman Emperor. That started the Armenian Dynasty. People call it that because of Basil's Armenian ancestors. (Sometimes people call it the Macedonian [...]

1 08, 2017

Anastasius to Justin – Byzantine history

By |2019-10-21T16:23:50-07:00August 1st, 2017|History, Medieval|Comments Off on Anastasius to Justin – Byzantine history

The Byzantine empress Ariadne, who married Anastasius. Now in the Louvre museum in Paris Anastasius becomes Roman Emperor When the Roman Emperor Zeno died in 491 AD, his widow Ariadne chose one of [...]

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