Visit Italy with kids! Sights to see
Visit Italy with Kids: Leaning Tower of Pisa Will people welcome my kids? They sure will! Visiting Italy with kids is a blast, because many Italians are very friendly to [...]
Visit Italy with Kids: Leaning Tower of Pisa Will people welcome my kids? They sure will! Visiting Italy with kids is a blast, because many Italians are very friendly to [...]
The artist Michelangelo's David When did Michelangelo live? Not long after Leonardo da Vinci started working, in 1475 AD, a new artist was born in northern Italy. His name was [...]
Lorenzo de' Medici In the early 1400s AD, a few rich families ruled the city-state of Florence in northern Italy. With the Holy Roman Empire very weak, these families ran Florence as an independent country. But most people in [...]
Romanesque baptistery in the Republic of Florence, Italy Florence ruled by Matilda of Canossa The last of the Carolingian Holy Roman Emperors died in 924 AD. Then northern Italy - including Florence and nearby Genoa [...]
St. Francis giving away his cloak, from Assisi, Italy, probably by Giotto Who was Giotto? Giotto was a medieval Italian painter. He lived around 1300 AD. Giotto was born in [...]
Church of St. Sernin, Toulouse, France In 1080 AD, the church of St. Sernin in Toulouse was a busy place. Charlemagne had given the church some saints' relics, and many people stopped to pray [...]
Cathedral of Pisa (the Duomo) This is the cathedral of medieval Pisa, in Italy. The architects built the cathedral in the Romanesque style around 1064 AD. The rounded arches are typical of the Romanesque style. So is the [...]
The Duomo in Florence (cathedral) Why did Florence want a new cathedral? The Republic of Florence started to plan this cathedral in the late 1200s AD, when Dante was growing up, to replace the old cathedral from [...]